Thursday, January 12, 2017

Free Final Year Project Topics and Ideas

Technology based Computer Final Year Project Topics, Ideas and Downloads:
Final Year Projects in .Net (Steganography, School Management System etc.)
Final Year Projects in ASP.Net (Web Based Claims Processing System, Sending SMS using .NET through Web Service etc.)
Final Year Projects in C, C++ (Efficient Search in P2P Networks with 8-Point Hypercircles, Library Management Project etc.)
Final Year Projects in JAVA (Web Auction in EJB, Hospital Management etc.)
Final Year Projects in PHP (Student Information System, Project Management System etc.)

Computer Final Year Project Topics, Ideas and Downloads:
CSE Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (Aaro Mobile: a J2ME client for enterprise reports etc.)
Computer Science Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (Temporal Treemaps for Visualizing Time Series Data etc.)
Final Year Project Topics and Ideas for Information Technology (IT) (Inventory Control System – For Retail Store etc.)
MCA Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (JAVA Based Online Shopping, College Library Management etc.)
BCA Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (Simple Railway Reservation System, Employee Work Management etc.)

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