Friday, January 20, 2017

Windows form applications C#

My First Application in windows Forms C#

We are going to make first application in windows forms.Follow as in images

Rename the name and select your location where you want to save it.

After Creating application blank form is created as shown in screenshot.

 Now add controls on forms from toolbox.

    Solution Explorer on the right side of visual studio screen...

 Project have properties and references....
Now View the code view

View code in C# like that..

I will upload details in next post..

Friday, January 13, 2017

Download IDM with key

Get registered IDM by clicking link below :

Difference between Visual Studio 2015,2013 and 2012

Visual Studio 2015

Visual Studio 2015 has been finally released including several incredible features that enhanced the way we look at development from desktop and web to mobile applications.
  • Improved Code Editor: The Code Editor has been already replaced with the so called “Roslyn” compiler to provide you an improved and exciting code editing experience. A light bulb is shown when you have to include some code fixes , so anytime you see a light bulb, click it and you will get suggestions that is based upon the analyzed code.
  • Custom Layout: The full potential of this feature can be used on multiple devices. Let’s say you are about to use a Surface Pro to develop on your bus ride home and a 24″ monitor from the comfort of your home. In order to quickly switch devices go to Window – Apply Window Layout. Keyboard shortcuts is also supported so that the user can quickly navigate to any familiar layout.
  • Shared Project: Probably you have been a witness of an event when you wanted to use a Shared Project option right outside of Windows Universal Application, now IT IS A REALITY. After a quick search you will find the Shared Project in the list of the new project window.
  • Single Sign-In: This one is undoubtedly much awaited feature. As these days, we developers, are using cloud services for multiple purposes. So, managing these services with different sign-in details in Visual Studio was annoying as authentication alerts were required for accessing these integrated cloud services. With Visual Studio 2015 single Sign-In support is provided, so once we are authenticated with first cloud service, no more authentication needed (Coooool…..).
  • Smart Unit Tests: IntelliTest in Visual Studio 2015 has the capability to explore our code to generate test data and a suite of unit tests with much improved code coverage.
  • Emulator for Android: No doubt the Android Emulator is a true relief as you can use it in Visual Studio 2015 as a cross-platform project or VS Tools for Cordova. It supports a variety of sensors and simulations, also GPS Location, Screen Rotation,  Accelerometer, SD Card, Zoom, Multi-touch, Camera and access to network also.
  • Renaming Enhancement: Before the user renames a variable or an object, Visual Studio will highlight all affected instances making it easy to identify all the changes to be made. Also there is a new dialog window that shows the number of changes or even conflicts for a renaming operation.
  • Editor Touch Support: There is an enormous boom of touch sensitive devices and monitors nowadays, so Visual Studio 2015 had to come up with touch based support. You can use the touch screen for scrolling, gesture zooming, line selecting and also a new functionality was added to bring up the Editor context menu.
  • Support for JavaScript Editor: Working as a web developer on Microsoft Platform, it’s always been difficult to work with JavaScript within Visual Studio. Although Visual Studio 2013 has improved it’s editor for JavaScript but in Visual Studio 2015, JavaScript editor has been updated with number of amazing features as:
    • Intellisense support for object literal
    • Expand/Collapse JavaScript code sections
    • New Navigation Bar for navigating between elements in JavaScript
    • Support for New JavaScript Features (ES6 version)
    • and many more…
  • Custom Window Layouts: Most developers are familiar with their own window configuration. Let’s say you work on a JavaScript based project, then you will need a much larger code editor window whilst with a web project you may want to open the solution explorer window.
These are many other features introduced with latest version of Visual Studio. You can get a complete list of these Online at Visual Studio Website. If you are more interested, you can get good reference books on Visual Studio 2015 here.

Visual Studio 2013

Top Features of Visual Studio 2013

  • Throw-away applications: In Visual Studio 2013, the new project window looks a little different. If you want to create a new project, the name and the location no longer have to be set immediately. It is a good option when you are about to test something and delete the project right away, so you don’t waste time.
  • Code-lens: A feature that is available only in the Ultimate Edition. A real time saver, as by default, it shows the number of times a method or property is referenced in your code. Especially useful feature in larger project where you are not familiar with the entire source code.
  • Customizing Scroll Bar: The possibility to customize the scroll bar just gives the user a much better overview of larger files. A user can set the scroll bar to show breakpoints, errors and much more.
  • ALM (Application Life Cycle Management) features including agile portfolio management, web-based code comments, web-based test case management, change-sets and commits etc.
  • Creating Azure Website from within Visual Studio 2013 by installing Azure SDK and connecting to Azure.
  • Live debugging in Azure
  • Live Tracing from Azure
  • With .NET framework 4.5.1, just like 32-bit Edit and Continue, now we have with 64-bit also.
  • Better Navigation & Search
  • Open a method definition by using Peek a Definition feature.
  • Handy feature of resolving type by resolve menu.

Visual Studio 2012

Top Features of Visual Studio 2012

  • While the Visual Studio 2010 already included an emulator for Windows Phone devices, the Visual Studio 2012 Simulator is much more powerful. It enables debugging apps for various scenarios that you just don’t have natively on your own machine.
  • You can also develop Windows 8 apps that strictly require some hardware support such as touch, rotation and different target resolution.
  • It is unimaginable to build quality applications without good IntelliSense. Therefore, the developers put enough effort in Visual Studio 2012 to make it more efficient and productive.
  • An even more important feature is the JavaScript Console. The good news is, that you can play with the source code modifications while the application is running.
  • Runtime Debugging Tool i.e. DOM Explorer for debugging HTML/CSS.
  • Asynchronous Support in C#/VB
  • Team Foundation Explorer Window
  • Code Clone Detection
  • Project File Compatibility with Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010

Top Features of Visual Studio 2010

  • IntelliSense improvement: One of the most important and time saving feature. It is so comforting to wonder how many hours a programmer can save thanks to IntelliSense. For those who don’t know, it is that wonderful drop down list that automatically completes existing member names or type names. This feature can amazingly speed up your work as you don’t have to type so much on your keyboard.
  • Toolbar Items can be easily found: Each new version of Visual Studio has an exponential increase of items in the Toolbox. Until the release of VS 2010, the items where categorized into collapsible sections and searching was managed manually by the user. Fortunately, the new version of Visual Studio offers a search via keyboard.Simply click on the Toolbox so that it is focused and just start typing.
  • Improvement in Searching: Visual Studio always supported different search features , but the fact is that it was a little clunky. In other words, the search feature was limited to searching for specific string in files. This feature was still available but a new one was added. A search window called Navigate To. You can navigate anywhere in your project by typing in the name of a method, class, an event or even a file name.
  • Multiple monitors: It is statically proven that using multiple monitors can improve a programmers efficiency by 50%. So, visual Studio 2010 has feature for detaching window outside the IDE.
  • Highlighting References feature in Visual Studio 2010 can highlight all calls to a specific method or member variables.
  • Improved Loading Time for Assemblies in “Add Reference”.
  • Support for Targeting multiple .NET Framework during Application Development.
Hopefully this Web Development Tutorial helps to understand how Visual Studio evolve in recent years and what are the most exciting features introduced with every version. Now Visual Studio 2015 is available having lots of cool features that will definitely increase developers productivity in many ways.

Free ways to increase traffic to website

  1. Advertise. This one is so obvious, we're going to look at it first. ...
  2. Get Social. ...
  3. Mix It Up. ...
  4. Write Irresistible Headlines. ...
  5. Pay Attention to On-Page SEO. ...
  6. Target Long-Tail Keywords. ...
  7. Start Guest Blogging. ...
  8. Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site
Ask a marketer or business owner what they’d like most in the world, and they’ll probably tell you “more customers.” What often comes after customers on a business’ wish list? More traffic to their site. There are many ways you can increase traffic on your website, and in today’s post, we’re going to look at 25 of them, including several ways to boost site traffic for FREE.

1. Advertise

This one is so obvious, we’re going to look at it first. Paid search, social media advertising and display advertising are all excellent ways of attracting visitors, building your brand and getting your site in front of people. Adjust your paid strategies to suit your goals – do you just want more traffic, or are you looking to increase conversions, too? Each paid channel has its pros and cons, so think carefully about your objectives before you reach for your credit card.
If you’re hoping that more traffic to your site will also result in more sales, you’ll need to target high commercial intent keywords as part of your paid search strategies. Yes, competition for these search terms can be fierce (and expensive), but the payoffs can be worth it.

2. Get Social

It’s not enough to produce great content and hope that people find it – you have to be proactive. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. Twitter is ideal for short, snappy (and tempting) links, whereas Google+ promotion can help your site show up in personalized search results and seems especially effective in B2B niches. If you’re a B2C product company, you might find great traction with image-heavy social sites like Pinterest and Instagram.

Html5 and CSS3

HTML5 is a markup language, has been come into existence around January 2008. The two major organizations have been involved in developing of HTML5 since its initial time. One is W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the other one is WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group). According to these organizations, they have been working on the HTML5 since initial time. So HTML5 language is still under development. There is more about to come yet in HTML5.
During the development of HTML5, It was announced that the HTML5 will reach the W3C recommendation till at the end of 2010. But the last call didn’t match till the target date. Now according to W3C the HTML5 will reach its full recommendation last by 2014.
Where according to WHATWG the last call for HTML5 Specification was in October 2009. Then suddenly the amazing changes in decision the WHATWG started to work on envisioning development of HTML, and with abounding its HTML5 Project. Later in January 2011, it renamed the HTML5 Standard to HTML5.
On 18 January 2011, the W3C introduced a logo to represent the HTML5 interest. While presenting its logo to publicly, W3C announced that, the logo can be used for general purpose.

Print div in javascript with css

You need to change the css property media to print. Add new line to your function createPopup() as below you attached your css:
mywindow.document.write( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\
"style.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"print\"/>" );

function createPopup( data ) {
var mywindow = "", "new
 div", "height=400,width=600" );
.document.write( "<html><head>
<title></title>" );
.document.write( "<link rel=\
"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\
" type=\"text/css\"/>" );
.document.write( "</head><body >" );
.document.write( data );
.document.write( "</body></html>" );


return true;

.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", 
 function() {
.getElementById( "print" )
.addEventListener( "click", function() {
( document
 .getElementById( "content" ).innerHTML );

}, false );



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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Download virtual scanner for testing

If you don't have a TWAIN device installed on your machine, you can download the virtual scanner, which is a Sourceforge project, to test the basic features of Dynamic Web TWAIN and Dynamic .NET TWAIN.
32 bit virtual scanner
64 bit virtual scanner
Related Links:
Dynamic Web TWAIN Online Demo
Dynamic .NET TWAIN Demo Download

Learn English Fast very easy Way

Free Final Year Project Topics and Ideas

Technology based Computer Final Year Project Topics, Ideas and Downloads:
Final Year Projects in .Net (Steganography, School Management System etc.)
Final Year Projects in ASP.Net (Web Based Claims Processing System, Sending SMS using .NET through Web Service etc.)
Final Year Projects in C, C++ (Efficient Search in P2P Networks with 8-Point Hypercircles, Library Management Project etc.)
Final Year Projects in JAVA (Web Auction in EJB, Hospital Management etc.)
Final Year Projects in PHP (Student Information System, Project Management System etc.)

Computer Final Year Project Topics, Ideas and Downloads:
CSE Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (Aaro Mobile: a J2ME client for enterprise reports etc.)
Computer Science Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (Temporal Treemaps for Visualizing Time Series Data etc.)
Final Year Project Topics and Ideas for Information Technology (IT) (Inventory Control System – For Retail Store etc.)
MCA Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (JAVA Based Online Shopping, College Library Management etc.)
BCA Final Year Project Topics and Ideas (Simple Railway Reservation System, Employee Work Management etc.)