Thursday, March 1, 2012

Online Mobile shop in ASP.NET

E-commerce is one of the largest driving forces behind the Internet. Even in the Internet’s earliest
days, many sites featured a shop where you could order products and have them shipped to your
home. With the advent of server-side techniques, such as ASP and ASP.NET, it has been much easier
and cheaper for smaller sites to offer their products and services online. Despite the large diversity
in the goods these sites offer, they all have one thing in common. To allow customers to select the
products they want to order, they all feature a product catalog and a shopping cart where products
are stored during the shopping process. At checkout time, these products are taken from the cart
and usually stored in a database so the order can be processed later. The Online Mobile Shop is no
exception; this chapter shows you how to create a web shop with a shopping cart in ASP.NET 2.0.
The chapter starts off with a quick tour of the Online Mobile Shop from an end-user’s point of view. It guides you through the process of browsing articles and adding them to a shopping cart, and shows you
how the shopping cart is saved in the database as an order. Finally, this chapter also explains how
you can manage the product catalog for the Online Mobile Shop.

Finally, Download this sample template please visit: 

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